Artistic Heroes


Artistic heroes-this is still in progress!


Anais Nin


Vincent van gogh


Leni Riefenstahl


Pedro Almodovar


Choderlos de laclos- Les liaisons Dangereuses

Flaubert-Madame Bovary

Pina Bausch

Murasaki Shikibu

Sei Shonagon

Yukio Mishima


Composer Alberto Iglesias

Jacqueline Susan

The Grateful Dead

Janis Joplin

The Doors

Li ho

Joni Mitchell

Kate Bush

Annie Lennox

Ingmar Bergman

Yo yo Ma

Bollywood movies

World Music


South Africa

Latin America

Asian Underground

Youssou N'Dour

Massive Attack

New Age Music

Art of the Silk Road and Central Asia

Islamic Mosques

Buddhist Art of Japan

Colin Thurbon

Ayn Rand

Flannery O Connor


Rod Serling

Isao Matsukane, a poet with cerebral paralysis and translated by Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities.